Sunday, February 5, 2017

What my presence, and Live My Life

What my presence, and Live My Life wherein a while, I went at the time still own my gender to male, and not on the adolescents whose parents were rich, I was just a young kid and just lived with a mother and father I have been busy with her own life , maybe I could be frustrating because we are not accompanied by a parent as a man, but all I can handle it by thinking of life.

in the coming days when I'm alone (no partner), I as like a teenager who loves naughty, break the rules "is not a rule that is heavy", and interacting with violence or alcohol, but I know the limit weight or lightness to be categorized in my travels, because I know that I am not an easy person to get money and every day a waste of money,

and I go to school with a set time to work, and every day, and every day it was always my lead, and indeed in every day I, at any time that I live, never felt wanted or envious enough life or very happy in the family gathered semuah, or me if I are allowed to shout, I want to be noticed, and have snacks like children others, but it's not in my life, my life is just under water or behind a rock, which is aware of who I am.

until the end of my time in graduate school, and was very proud and happy, but I still rogue, as usual, and still below the limit of my mischief, because I know I am just anyone. ??, and at that point I had to find a job, perhaps it is difficult to find a job, because I know, it is a lot of my rivals out there, but God also knows, if fortune, death, and mate in the hands of God, and semuah must stage trying, and eventually I got a job in the sales service , as usual, in the work I should be timely, disciplined and always be in the count. and constantly kept it in my work live.

honestly I get a salary of Rp.2.500.000, - for a month if the dollar is only $ 200 a month, and in 2009, at that time was only enough for that much money in my life, maybe to buy things I want, I have to buy by installments per month, if within my power to pay Rp 400,000 per month "$ 32", for one day only buy rice per liter of Rp.7000 X 30 = Rp.210.000, - "$ 16.8", and to buy toiletries such as, body soap, toothpaste, shampoo Rp.26.000 "$ 2.08", and buy oil for cooking in a month Rp.38.000 "$ 3.04", and buy detergent and deodorizing clothes for a month Rp.55.000, - "$ 4.4", and buy food for a month Rp.9000, - X 30 = Rp.270.000, - "$ 21.6", and also to keep watch on my way, that money to work my way per day 10,000 X 30 = 300,000, " $ 24 ", and the money for the payment of garbage and safeguard the" Security "in the month Rp.125.000, -" $ 10 ", if the total of all 400,000 + 210,000 + 26,000 + 38,000 + 55,000 + 270,000 + 300,000 + 125,000 = Rp.1.424.000, - "$ 133.92" and to my mother gave me only a month Rp.600.000, - "$ 48", and the rest I save it for my stake in the daily if anything happens.

maybe my income is still very low, but I think, if you can not income, how may I be able to survive, or survive, but I know my limits on yourself.

Arriving a day where I found her, she was a woman who would accompany me, and want to think about the simplicity of life. and I were married in 2010, and we were both working, and income could be given in the joint, or both to save money, and it's time we want a soul mate or life who want to have children, and in one year we walk together, they have not given your soul mate, until we wait two years still has not been given, finally we tried in the treatment of medicine to traditional medicine, and semuah that we live about 5 years until the end of time continues to run until 6 years, and we is only hope in prayer to God, whether in prayer that we still think is right or indeed we were wrong, but we always hope and pray, hinga within 3 months our prayers be heard by God, and we give 1 heredity very handsome and hope we do not abandon him, because I know it seems no mercy parents, and when it contains my wife stopped working, and we are just at the limits of the salary of my life.

Until finally the boys by coming on the world, and I am very happy, until one faithful, every tired I am or hungry stomach is semuah only for my son, with my power, I've been happy my son is healthy and very cute, and now he 2 years old, and has been running, and I was very happy to see her smile, her laughter, her expression, and behavior, to naughty boys like me with a naughty child. and not long after my wife interval containing a second child, I was very grateful and bhagia, because we still believe in God, even our small family only live in a small place and enough for our family.

Quite so, and sorry if my writing can only use a little of the language, or are always short in the story, but I know, complaining I was just myself, struggling just to my own family, and pray for the good of our lives everyday, and that's I face, thank god I'm always grateful for my life.

Efficacious Binahong leaf for cuts Affairs and In

How to Make Herb Leaves Binahong To Heart

Efficacious Binahong leaf for cuts Affairs and In, How to Make Herb Leaves Binahong To Heart

The heart is the most important organ in the human body that function of pumping blood throughout the body and to hold them back after cleaning lungs. This means that the function of the heart of man is as a tool or blood-pumping organ in humans. At that time the heart to provide sufficient oxygen and blood flows throughout the body, as well as cleansing the body darih metabolism (carbon dioxide). So as to fulfill the functions of the heart collects oxygen deficient blood from the entire body and then pumps it to the lungs, the blood in the heart by way of taking in oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. At the heart of oxygen-rich blood from the lungs is pumped to tissues throughout the human body.

The importance of maintaining the health of your heart, you just need to cultivate a healthy lifestyle patterns, such as eating a healthy diet for the heart.

On this occasion we will give you tips and how to make herb leaves Binahong. but you should know this plant back so that no one chose the leaves.

How to Make Herb Leaves Binahong To Heart

How to Make Herb Leaves Binahong To Heart Most of the plants binahong contained in the wet tropical forests, but also can be found in marshes and on the banks of rivers, roadsides and rock outcrops. The plant is also often found crawling on top of other plants or circular on the trunks of trees with roots support. Leaf color looks slightly browned and almost transparent when nascent, but then it quickly became dark green as they grow up some time.

Sometimes a few white flowers appear on plants that have grown up. Binahong plant is one of the easiest plants to grow as a house plant. This is because this plant is very strong in a variety of conditions.

Back to the subject, prepare the material ingredients as follows


  1. Binahong young leaves as many as 20 sheets;
  2. 8 glasses of water.

How to make a decoction of leaves binahong:

  • First download the binahong 20 leaves, then wash with cold water, after net knead until the leaves secrete more mucus;
  • Put the squeeze of the binahong leaves into a pot with 8 cups of water. Put on the stove at medium flame, binahong leaves boiled until the remaining 3 cups of water only, lift and strain or separate leaves with boiling water, herb leaves binahong ready for use.

How to use herbs leaves binahong:

Efficacious Binahong leaf for cuts Affairs and InTo use it is easy, you just drink the potion, but drink the concoction three times a day only, in a stew you can make 3 cups of herb leaves binahong this as the above, although it does not feel good but leaves binahong is very good for heart health and can lower blood sugar.

see also Efficacy Binahong For injury Affairs and In the Maternal

Well that's a potion to us berkan on this occasion. if the sign does not find a leaf binahong in your area, you are not already worried, because now available syrup medicine for your heart health.

With properties that exceed herb leaves such binahong :

Cancer Tonsil Cancer Nasal Cancer Abdomen, Liver Cancer, Blood Cancer, Lymph node cancer, Skin Cancer Brain cancer Lip Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Cancer Endometrial Cancer cysts, cancer Endometriosis, Cancer OtotKanker Gall, bone cancer, cancer Esophagus Cancer TiroidKanker Nasopharyngeal Cancer Testis Cancer Pharyngitis Cancer Uterine Cancer gums Cancer Vulvar Cancer Soft Tissue Cancer Face of Cancer Ingredients Throat Cancer Oral Cancer lung Cancer, Lymphoma Cancer Breast Cancer Cancer Larynx Prostate Cancer Liver Cancer Cervical Cancer, Cancer Eye Cancer Tongue Cancer mammary Cervical Cancer myoma cancer colon cancer. cancer Pancreatic cancer testes, Luka Affairs.

That's the benefit of herbal medicines that have exceptional properties in mengobti all ills.

Thank you for visiting this article, hopefully helpful and beneficial


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