Disk Operating System or DOS is an operating system that uses a computer interface command - line and is often used by computer users in the 1980s. DOS is an operating system that is used to manage all the resources that exist on the computer.
Users interact with DOS, by giving commands using the computer keyboard. Users must type the command with the keyboard, and the command given will diterjemaahkan by DOS system in accordance with the command function. DOS commands that exist in the file name, for example such as air-extension program or ending in .bat, .exe, and others. In addition to typing the names of the files from the command program, DOS also usually combined with various writing prameter prameter in which after the file name of the program. So we can conclude bawha sisitem DOS is an operation which is useful for managing computer systems.
B. Some functions DOS
As for some of the functions of the DOS and they are as follows :
- To control or organizing activities on the computer.
- To regulate the processes of input and output data on the computer.
- To set the computer's memory.
- For management file and also directory.
And many more functions than the DOS is still used to this day, one of them in completing some troubleshooting on computer hardware.
C. Classes DOS
The family of DOS, which of them is divided into several different classes :
- Microsoft Disk Operating System or in short with MS-DOS, which include Compaq DOS, Tandy DOS, Quick and Dirty Operating System (Q-DOS) and others are included in the operating system MS-DOS, was sold to the makers of the computer system IBM PC / Compatible.
- IBM PC-DOS or International Business Machine Personal Computer Disk Operating System , though still Microsoft, but has been modified slightly in order to be used by computers made by IBM.
- Digital Research Disk Operating System atau disingkat dengan DR-DOS, dibuat oleh yang membuat sistem operasi CP/M yaitu Gary Kildall.
- Novell Personal Netware, namely the version of DR-DOS (Digital Research Disk Operating System), which was sold to Novell, because the company that houses the CP / M out of business or into bankruptcy. So Novell shortly acquisition of Digital Research Incorporated.
- Caldera DOS, the version of Personal Novell Netware sold to Caldera Corporation.
- FreeDOS, was developed by the open source community. Version of DOS is built comes from the remnants of Caldera DOS development.
D. DOS operating system on the market
The DOS on the market is very diverse, such as the following :
- PC or Personal Computer DOS.
- Macintosh DOS.
- Apple DOS.
- Linux, and others.
A few posts or articles that contain about the notion of DOS (Disk Operating System) that we can provide. If there is a mistake in this article please forgive, thank you,