Linux operating system is one example of the development of free and open source software are the most popular to date. As I have said linux is a & nbsp; software open source operating system that is free to be distributed under the GNU license. So you must to install Linux on your computer or copy and redistribute it without having to pay as well as the Windows operating system, either Windows 7 or other operating systems. Linux is a derivative of Unix and can work on a wide range of computer hardware.


With the GNU (Gnu Not Unix) you can obtain a program, complete with source code (source code). Not only that, you are given the right to copy as much as you want, or even change the source code. And it's all legal under license. Although free, GNU license allows a party seeking to attract a fee for copying and sending the program. One example of this is the Linux operating system Ubuntu Linux.

Linux Ubuntu

The origin of the name Ubuntu is derived from the philosophy of South Africa that means "humanity to others". Ubuntu is designed for the benefit of personal use, but the server version of Ubuntu is also available, and has been used widely.


Official Ubuntu project disponspori by Canonical Ltd. which is a company owned by South African entrepreneur Mark Shuttleworth. The goal of the Ubuntu Linux distribution brings the spirit embodied in the philosophy of Ubuntu to the software world. Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available and have good support from community and professional experts.


  1. Multimedia - Rythmbox Music Player, movie player , pitivi editor.
  2. e-mail - Evolution da Thunderbird
  3. Browser - Mozilla firefox dan opera
  4. Efect 3d  - Compiz dan Emerald.
  5. Wifi

Advantages of Linux Ubuntu  

  • Free virus
  • 3D Interface
  • Kompatibilas
  • Ease of Migration
  • Freeware or free
  • User friendly

Other examples of Linux Operating System


  • PCLinuxOS - PCLinuxOS has a GUI similar to Windows to ease the transition to Linux users. Therefore, they use the word PC (even though not exclusively for Windows PC).
  • OpenSUSE - A SUSE open source project sponsored by Novell and AMD. SUSE is a German acronym for “Software- und System-Entwicklung” (software development and systems). But some say that the name SUSE used to honor engineer Konrad Zuse.
  • Fedora - Operating system based on Linux results Linux community projects sponsored by Red Hat. ”Fedora” name This is taken from the type of hat (fedora) worn by men in the Red Hat logo.
  • Mandriva - Linux is derived from Mandrake Linux created by MandrakeSoft, but MandrakeSoft lost Hearst Corporation in rights to use the name “Mandrake.” MandrakeSoft then buy Connectiva, and the result of this mixing is called Mandriva.
  • Sabayon - A distribution made in Trentino, Italy and named after the name of an Italian dessert called Sabayon. Sabayon is made from egg yolk, sugar and sweet alcohol.
  • CentOS - Based Redhat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and is an acronym for Community Enterprise Operating System.
  • Dream Linux - A derivative of Debian distro comes from Brazil and looking very similar to Mac OS X. There is no history behind this name, just a mix of dream and Linux.
  • Puppy Linux - A live CD distribution that focuses on ease of use. These distributions have a mascot named “Puppy” who is a native of Chihuahua.
  • Knoppix - Live CD distro created by Klaus Knopper and named after his own name.
  • Sidux - Linux-based Debian unstable version with the code name “Sid” taken from the character Sid sense of humor.

First developed by Linus Torvalds. Is an open source operating system means it can be developed by everyone freely. Derivative linux or linux distro is known by many kinds. Maybe Linux is the operating system most. Some of them are: Debian, Suse, Red Hat (Fedora), Slackware, Ubuntu, Backtrack, and others

Those are some examples and a brief explanation of the Linux operating system, may be useful and can add insight of all friends on Linux


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